Friday, December 25, 2009

The employer's handbook; an essential guide to employment law,personnel policies, and procedures, 5th ed.(Brief article)(Book review).

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In its revised fifth edition, this guidebook pertains specifically to British law and practice and is a resource for small- and medium- sized British employers. HR consultant Cushway discusses recruiting staff, writing employment contracts, paying staff, employee benefits, performance management, dealing with absence, maternity and paternity rights, working hours and holidays, writing a staff handbook, personnel records and data protection, handling organizational change and disciplinary issues, dealing with grievances, terminating employment, dealing with tribunal cases, ensuring welfare of employees, and working with trade unions. As a guidebook this title is easy to read and understand, but directly pertinent only to British employers.

([c]20082005 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR)

Named Works: The Employer's Handbook: An Essential Guide to Employment Law, Personnel Policies and Procedures, 5th ed. (Nonfiction work) Book reviews

Source Citation
"The employer's handbook; an essential guide to employment law, personnel policies, and procedures, 5th ed." Reference & Research Book News (2008). Academic OneFile. Web. 25 Dec. 2009. .

Gale Document Number:A188355555

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